Linda Straatman 

studied at the Aki Art Academy, the SMFA in Boston and the Academy Vogue in Amsterdam. She later completed a degree in applied psychology.

The different disciplines are reflected in her work, which reflects aspects of her personality and world with a lot of color and fantasy.

Her style is characterized by the positivity and imaginative appearance with which she approaches the ‘heavy’ subjects. By propagating inner beauty, she appeals to the possibility for self-insight and change that every individual has within them.

Studying human behavior is the common thread in her professional life. During her studies at the art academy she examined intra- and interpersonal characteristics and conflicts on an emotional basis, and uses this in her work.

With her art Linda Straatman exhibits the unconscious and conscious thoughts and feelings of the woman of the 21st century

“When I draw I am 100% myself; free from conventions. Then I can let my thoughts and associations take their natural course, while I work with colours, shapes and meanings.

And then there’s the ‘Eureka!!’ moment; …when I see that what I’m making becomes a striking representation of what’s going on inside me.

When I draw I feel at my strongest.”



Video & Performance




Van Loon Galleries Nieuwjaarsexpositie 2024
13 Januari t/m 4 Februari 2024
bij Van Loon Galleries in Vught

Begin het nieuwe jaar met kunst, creativiteit en sprankelende momenten tijdens deze Nieuwjaarsexpositie. Van zaterdag 13 januari tot en met zondag 4 februari 2024 schitteren de kunstenaars van Van Loon Galleries met hun meesterwerken tijdens een groepsexpositie.

Geniet van een glaasje bubbels terwijl u zich laat inspireren door de verhalen achter de kunstwerken.

Laat u betoveren door een rijke mix van kunststromingen, van klassiek modern tot expressief en figuratief.

Voor Openingstijden en Informatie: Ga naar de website van de Van Loon Galleries

Photography: Werner Ero